This morning, I woke up at five. However, my eyes were not cooperating. They had that sleep coating that won't let you open your peepers more than a tiny slit, just enough to squint at the clock before the cement blocks tighten their rope's hold the lids again.

It felt like someone had pranked me as I slept but instead of using a marker to draw or write embarrassing things, they used that fake-lash glue to stick my lids together!

Okay, so I could complain or get upset with my daily struggle to rise before the rooster, but instead I focused on my other, less-noticed (and decidedly non-glued) senses. I felt the smooth sheets, the fog encased breaze wafting through the window and getting shoved at me by the fan. I heard the birds doing their pre-daylight twittering and preening. I was able to isolate a few individual smells that comprise the distinct "ranch smell" only found here, in the place where I grew up.

Then there was a huge crash as the rooster knocked something over in my home office. Wait. We don't have a rooster! It was the kittehs partaking of their daily tag-and-destroy-the-house-because-they-are-traveling-at-warp-speed game. My eyes HAD to open this time!

Aliens must have kidnapped the huge, dayglo digit displaying clock/radio though because it was swearing up and down that the time was now seven. Seven! How did two hours pass during the five minutes it took me to "center" myself and try to become one with the harmony of the universe?

Apparently, I found harmony with my mattress instead and, once again, the rooster cats beat me to waking up.

*deep sigh*

Maybe I'll win tomorrow ...

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,