Facebook page owners will soon be faced with another decrease in organic reach. Currently at around a frustrating 16%, that number is anticipated to drop down to a paltry 1-2%.

[su_note note_color="#feffc7" text_color="#000000"]Facebook Reportedly Slashing Organic Reach for Pages | AdWeek
Facebook is reportedly slashing organic reach for Pages, a move that could have a sweeping impact on brands that have spent big on the social platform as well as local companies that have worked hard with limited resources to develop often modest fan bases.[/su_note]

On the down side, in order for most companies to remain competitive, an increased ad budget will be required.

On the up side (depending on your side of the fence), it will be easier to gain page views by simply paying for them instead of deliberately creating the eye-catching content most of us have come to expect from the posts that we share.

Internet marketers who have relied primarily upon Facebook ads to get noticed will probably not notice much of a difference. Except perhaps as a ping in the pocketbook with increased competition over target audiences.

Facebook is a business and has a bottom line to consider. However, it is also a social media and networking channel with no to low cost competitors like Twitter, YouTube, and LinkedIn.

If you are a Facebook page owner, how will this affect you? Will you be taking your business elsewhere or hanging on for the ride?

Good morning, my fabulous friends! Today is Thursday, March 20, 2014 (18 Adar II, 5774).

--- { Today's Psalms } ---
If you are following along on our Monthly Psalm Rotation Calendar, we'll be reading Chapters 88-89.

--- { Today's Empowering Thought } ---
"I trust God/the Universe to deliver my highest good in every situation."

Sometimes things look or feel so bad that we simply cannot imagine anything good coming out of them. Disasters, accidents, painful arguments, illness, aging - the list could go on and on.

Our sadness and depression could go on and on too, if we don't step in and take control of our thoughts and the emotions they inspire inside of us.

When you can't think of anything remotely qualifying as a Silver Lining Moment, practice this Month's Consciousness Exercise and then repeat to yourself that God (or the Universe, if you prefer) will always deliver your highest good in every situation.

Repeat it as many times as you need to. Meditate on it. Absorb it. Then seek out experiences that make you happy. Watch a silly movie, go to the closest comedy club or improv, spend time at the park with your dog.

Whatever it is - no matter how simple it may seem - if it works for you, do it.

--- { This Month's Consciousness Exercise } ---
Close your eyes and imagine you are blowing up a balloon with all the things that are bothering you. The things you worry about. The things that you aren't sure how to deal with. The things that bring you down emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically.

Don't tie a knot on that balloon though. See yourself letting the balloon get almost full and then just letting it go. Imagine laughing at the crazy flight pattern that balloon is taking as it deflates and flies away from you.

Breathe. Feel the lightness. It will all work out. You will be okay. You are strong and have more control than you realize. Reclaim it.

Good morning, my fabulous friends! Today is Wednesday, March 19, 2014 (17 Adar II, 5774).

--- { Today's Psalms } ---
If you are following along on our Monthly Psalm Rotation Calendar, we'll be reading Chapters 83-87.

--- { Today's Empowering Thought } ---
"Peace and happiness are a conscious choice."

We can choose to look for the Silver Lining Moment in every seemingly negative situation. We can choose to embrace the little things that make us smile and let go of the things that make us feel bad.

It's okay to honor our emotions by letting ourselves feel the sadness and pain. Just remember to let it go.

--- { This Month's Consciousness Exercise } ---
Close your eyes and imagine you are blowing up a balloon with all the things that are bothering you right now. The things you are worried about. The things that you aren't sure how to deal with. The things that bring you down emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and even physically.

Don't tie a knot on that balloon though. See yourself letting the balloon get almost full and then just letting it go. Imagine laughing at the crazy flight pattern that balloon is taking as it deflates and flies away from you.

Breathe. Feel the lightness. It will all work out. You will be okay. You are strong and have more control than you realize. Reclaim it.
