Today is errand day and yikes, lots of errands capping off a week of more physical activity than I can remember doing in a while.

My aching shoulder blade and upper arm muscles make it hard to lift my arms. Jeez. I need to start working out or working outside more!

  • Shoveling quickly because I was multitasking and hitting rock, totally draining the power from my motion? Check.
  • Processing 1/4 of a 14 point buck by myself the next day even though I didn't know what I was doing and my meat knife was dull? Check.

That last one was a very surreal experience for someone with serious vegan leanings.

Mom is still very much an omnivore leaning toward carnivore but CJ and I, not so much. We - CJ and I - would be just fine leaving the meat out of our diet completely (diary has been gone for a while since it hates us) but we do not throw out meat because - in my opinion - it is very disrespectful to the animal.

As in, it was killed to make food and if someone doesn't eat it, it's as if he/she died in vain.

In this case, we were given a large section of deer that did not fit in either of our refrigerators. Meaning that it would have gone bad before we had a chance to gift it (had Mom allowed that, as it was originally gifted to her). If I had not processed it, it would have gone to waste - as if his life had been worth nothing.

That left me torn between not wanting to touch a dead body (it's a weird phobia I picked up from horror movies and my time working at a Jewish seminary) and knowing I would essentially be throwing a buck into the trash if I didn't hurry up and process him so he'd fit in the freezer.

After my internal debate and a verbal one with CJ, we said a prayer for him and I got to work processing Mr. Buck. Even though I didn't know what I was doing. Even though I was a bit queasy about all the blood and veins and ... oh my G-d, is that an alveolus?

Good L-rd! No wonder I'm not a vet!

With that, let's transition to something more pleasant: tools.

Although I love tech, I really drool over sweet pets, diesel trucks, and power tools. My current dream job is to be a contractor again. I've been thinking about looking for someone willing to take me under their wing (and is not related, for obvious reasons). ;)

Today's agenda includes a trip to the home supply store for a new drill and some new saw blades. Let's just hope that powerful seducer Mr. DeWalt doesn't sidetrack me from the ever affordable and still very dependable Mr. Black and Decker.

It seems that Mr. DeWalt is always trying to tempt me to walk away with an entire set of new power tools and extra battery packs. He's not shy about it either. Oh no. He poses just so, allowing me to rake my eyes over his entire body. Drooling. Yes, Mr. DeWalt, you are a hunky one but I have pledged to a relationship with Mr. Black and Decker.

Also have a whole bunch of errands, website updates, and stuff to pay today. At the rate my inflow is turning into an outflow, I'm starting to think I should have taken a Christmas job!

Oh well, time to get stuff together before the biggest blessing of my life (CJ) beats me to getting ready. He is certainly a chip off the ol' family tree: no patience. LOL

Just wanted to wish you a happy weekend in case I don't get back before No Tech Saturday!

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
Yep, another adventure while I'm still stuck at the homestead (not as bad as I first thought) and not hitting the travel itinerary as planned.

Picture this ...

It was around 3:30 in the Rural South Texas morning. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up to make some hot tea. Mom was just going to sleep and said she'd been praying all night (insomnia). I joked about it being my turn now. Realized it didn't sound like such a bad thing to do since I was up anyway. Started praying.

Around 4ish, I realized I was half awake because I giggled when the rooster crowed. It sounded like a raccoon was screaming back at him! I giggled quietly a bit more, imagining what that looked like.
Cockle doodle doo! Rrrr rrr rrr rr rr! Raccoon sitting on haunches, shaking his fists at Carlos (the rooster). Or maybe trying to shush him before the humans got up and discovered him/her?
Carlos crowed again and the same screaming raccoon sound could be heard. Maybe he/she was yelling at him to hush up because it hurt his/her ears? Which would mean that the 'coon was straight up in Carlos and the girls' faces!

The back story ran through my sleep hazed mind:
Mr. or Mrs. Coon has been trying to dig under the coop for over a week. Every day, I cover the holes and create new ways to block access. Every night, the smarty pants raccoon almost makes it. 
Thankfully, I took a lesson from my Grandpa and buried the wire at least a good foot down into the dirt all the way around. Also thankfully, I've got a lot of scrap 2x4 I can bury so the sneaky rascal has gotten a handful of board instead of chicken for several days in a row!
That woke me up, freaked out, because I got to the part where I remembered my uncle's story about raccoons ripping off chicken's heads!

Side Note: That creepy story is true, unlike the one they used to tell me about the cougar who'd jump in through the screen window at night to eat kids who moved and didn't go to sleep. Ah, rural family love.

Anyway, since it was so dark in the chicken's section of the yard (I need to transition the coop to winter mode), I used the lock/unlock flashers on my vehicle's key fob while I ran to get the shotgun. I had no intention of shooting anything but the sound helps repel critters.

Finally made it out, flashed the lock/unlock again, blinding myself in the process (it was dark and I was right in front of one of the lights), realized I wasn't dressed for this and panicked but the chickens are family, scared the dog when I flailed in semi-blindness (maybe he thought I'd shoot him?), and finally managed to walk unsteadily down the dark side of the vehicle to hop in. Put the girl in gear, maneuvered into position and shone the headlights on the chickens. Didn't see anything.

Parked in my spot again, fired off a just-in-case shot, and came back in giggling about a raccoon talking back to the rooster. Still thinking of silly reasons why the 'coon would have been talking back to Carlos.

Haven't inspected for prints and activity yet (now that I'm awake mentally) but I'm planning to do that once CJ's done with today's homeschool stuff. We'll definitely be adding a raccoon nature study to our work now!

Later on, I'll catch up on all my RSS friends like my favorite Cowgirl and live vicariously through some fab travelers like the Ducks. =)

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

P.S. Definitely wasn't dressed appropriately for this little adventure. Did all this barefoot and in cut off sweat pants chopped into shorts. I did freak out for a moment thinking a rabid 'coon would grab my feet and attack from under the house/under the vehicle/under the other vehicle/etc. causing me to potentially implant several painful grass burrs in an attempt to run away but luckily, it all worked out in the end.

P.P.S. Can you believe my Mom and CJ slept through the whole thing? Vehicles, shotguns, accidentally slammed doors, and everything!
"Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!"
Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.
Scottish author & novelist (1771 - 1832)
Holidays are great times to sit back and watch the fireworks as the lies start being exposed, one by one.

Then, you get to watch the intricate spider's dance as the culprit(s) try to fix their webs and spin attention in another direction.

A successful spider will live to lie again even if everyone knows whodunnit. Frustrating those who were lied about.

Oh, how I wish I had a giant shoe. Or that G-d would lend me His for just a few minutes ...

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
On episode #18 of the Penny Full O'Thoughts Podcast we discuss Sandy, steps we can take to be more self-sufficient, things we can do to make returning to our day-to-day lives easier, an easy way to stop unintentionally taking advantage of your housemates, and how we can spot a scamming guru who may attempt to prey on our economic concerns and personal fears.

Download this Episode: MP3 / Transcript

If you experience any problems with playback, have a question, would like to share a resource, or have something specific you want to hear me talk about, let me know!

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
P.S. Don't worry, Trigger was okay. He was just crying because his Dad, my Uncle Ted, went somewhere.
Last night I discovered a guru expose site and saw several of my business 'mentors' listed. With damaging evidence.

Just goes to show, you are better off being yourself - an original, non sheeple person - and not buying into the hype that you have to be like someone else to succeed.

Templates and examples are good but if someone starts tearing you down or making disparaging comments to get you to conform to their idea of 'success', you have to wonder if that version of success is worth your individuality, morals, and happiness.

Make sure you spend time researching your guru or mentor of choice. Just because they are internet famous and show up everywhere you look doesn't mean they are legit. Anyone can buy an ad. I am SO GLAD I found that site before I got in so deep that I'd be tainted for life.

Salty saved my fledgling business and a huge chunk of my single Momma budget!

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,