"Success is a great deodorant. It takes away all your past smells." ~ Elizabeth Taylor


"Without a goal, we are like static cling stickers in a tornado. We might not like where we land but we sure will stick to something!" ~ Penny Lane (that's me! lol)


A huge part of living is the constant need to move forward, to struggle and grow, to laugh and cry. Sometimes, we get so bogged down in day-to-day living that we forget to look at the big picture.

In the past few years, I've had several people around me pass on. Either because of illness, a totally unexpected injury or even through suicide.

Owning to our current limitations, we can only do so much for illness and injuries. However, there is a lot we can do about suicide and the feelings of utter despair, hopelessness and insignificance that lead to it.

The biggest weapon in our anti-suicide arsenal has definitely got to be taking the time to acknowledge our weaknesses and failures but, at the same time, reminding ourselves of our worth. Granted, medication and therapy are great tools but unless we internalize and accept our own worth, they will fail.

As someone who was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, I know just how debilitating they can be. I tried committing suicide twice. I survived because of the efforts of my mother, the medical system and my body's own unconscious effort.

Eight years ago, I was blessed with something that changed everything for me. I became pregnant with my son. In my darkest moments, thinking of him is what keeps me on this plane. The love I have for him is greater than the loathing I sometimes have for myself.

Suicide is a difficult thing to predict. The person you think is the least likely to do it might be the one who does. When that happens, it is a shock and those who knew him/her are left to wonder why.

If you or someone you know is struggling, there are several free resources available to you. For example:
  • Much has been made about having "an attitude of gratitude" lately. It sounds hokey but honestly helps balance our good-bad thought processes and feelings.
  • Listening to certain songs or watching feel-good movies can also alter your state of mind. Song's like "If Today Was Your Last Day" and t.v. shows like "America's Funniest Videos" have become my go-to choice for regaining my center, my internal peace. Who cares what others think? It's your life on the line, not theirs.
  • Make a list of all of your skills, your accomplishments, and the times you felt genuinely loved. Don't be shy on this one. Even little things count! If it made an impression on you, write it down. (Something I gleaned from a career coaching call with Pina De Rosa but can be applied to many other situations as well.)
  • Don't be ashamed to seek out a trusted clergy member, faculty member or to contact one of the many suicide prevention hotlines available.
My prayers go out to my lost loved ones and friends today but they also go out to everyone who is struggling and feeling lost, alone and without value.

You really aren't alone and definitely have much more value than you may be giving yourself credit for. Reach out.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,

P.S. In case you haven't heard "If Today Was Your Last Day" yet or would like to listen to it again, just press the play button below or click here to listen on Lala if the player isn't displaying correctly below. You can find the lyrics at LyricWiki.

"Sometimes the best friends are the ones you didn't know you still had." ~ Penny Lane (that's me! lol)


Okay, so I've previously admitted my love of all things tech. While I can get back there and program, it's the user-end testing of software and websites that really gets my motor going.

It's like a Cheese Whiz addiction. Only, it's not cheese and well, it's not in a can.

This morning, I was supposed to have dedicated more time to developing some training programs. However, my note program wasn't doing what I wanted it to. The intention was to take 5 minutes to swap it out but ...

Three hours later, I've not only fixed my virtual note issue but swapped out a few more programs AND completed Phase 1 of my project.

Had I been on my Windows computers, it would definitely have taken longer and been more frustrating. Removing one program at a time, installing one program at a time. Something I was very accustomed to. Don't even get me started on the routine I had to keep my system running right after all the mods.

Happily, I was using my favorite Linux system. Ubuntu has a directory of programs that you just tick to select/deselect. Clicking on "Apply Changes" will do just that - apply changes - and voila! You've just modified your program list. Yes, I still have to follow a system health routine but it's more streamlined and simplified.

Getting crazy with the Cheese Whiz has just gotten easier for me. I'm definitely giddy and ecstatic but I'm also a little scared too. What happens to an addict when the addiction is easier to feed?

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
What do you consider home? Is it the place where you were born, the place where you grew up or the place where you live?

For me, home is a search in progress and has been for most of my life. That search has driven me from several cities in Texas, Arizona, California and even a stint in New York. Still, I have not found the place I would call home.

Although the place where I was born still calls to my soul, it is the people of my very flesh and blood who have made it anathema. I'm sure many of you can understand what alcoholism and heated in-fighting can do to a family. Surely, my story isn't unique.

Mine is a tale of a sad, misguided, fatherless, only child. Still seeking the approval and acceptance that will never come. Living out the vicious cycle in personal relationships and not understanding my own role in the real-life drama.

Today marks a turning point for me. The day I consciously choose to say that I am a lone wolf. The day I decide to really let go. Not run away in some misguided attempt to move on without dropping my baggage. I pledge to allow myself to grieve for what will never be, what never was.

If home is where the heart is, then family is who you make it. I already have a fabulous son and I've met a lot of wonderful people during my myriad of travels and moves. That's a great place to start. That and remembering my Conqueror's mantra: pancakes, pancakes, pancakes.

What's holding you back?

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
After I had my son, I wanted something more indicative of me and my new life as a mom. I'd seen other moms with those cute little taylorsmom or mommy2two names and wanted my own.

Sadly, CJsMom, CJsMommy and every other variation thereof was already taken so, I compromised. CJsMonnie.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
Now that I work from home again, I've had to reinstate a "No Cute In Office" policy.

Think that sounds weird? Let me tell you what kind of damage that "cute" can do.
  • Stop The Presses
    Aww, just one little pet to the purring cutie who climbed on my lap. Riiight. 5 seconds turns into 10 minutes while you sit there oohing and ahhing over a very pleased kitteh. 
  • Distort Perception
    Ever try looking at a screen while a "cute little ball of fluff" is sitting in front of it? Or try to type with a furbie lying across your arm, stretching over the keyboard? Your home keys are suddenly spelling out a language you've never known. 
  • Equipment Failure
    What happens when you are on a call, using a noise reducing or canceling headset but your dog starts barking at something you can't even hear yet? Um, yeah. Technology is not that good yet. 
  • Extra Product Gets Sent Out
    A customer ordered 2 stuffed bears, 5 candles, 1 cookie and a dozen hamburgers but they receive a package that weighs 20 pounds more and makes them sneeze. No, the dogs didn't ship one of the cats off. It's pet fur and it's all over your product, your mailing, your letterhead. And the customer is allergic.

The cute. Conquer it before it conquers you.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
The key to becoming a successful conqueror is to always remember you are fabulous, gorgeous and capable of overcoming anything that opposes your will or desire while being mindful of the needs, desires and emotions of others.

When you start feeling down or unsure of yourself, think of something you are good at. Even better, think of something you either didn't know you could do or thought you couldn't do but did anyway.

What did it for me? My "by jove, I think I've got it!"? The thing that made me feel like I'm "the King Queen of the world!"? I made pancakes that earned a "million cazillion A+" from my son.

Before you scoff, let me assure you, that was no easy feat. You see, I'm the grown-up version of the girl who refused to follow the local decree that females should be inside, cooking, sewing and doing all the other "girl" stuff. I wanted to be outside, learning about the wilderness, working with the animals and all that. You know, having the kind of fun I saw the boys having.

Now that I'm an adult, I'm trying to learn those previously-abhorred "girly" things. I'm trying to be a true balabusta, successful single parent and give my son the best environment I possibly can. Pancakes may be simple but overcoming my internal issues toward them and all they represent is an ongoing challenge.

If you are ready to begin your own world conquering campaign, I encourage you to find your empowering moment. Then seize it and milk it for all it's worth.

In time, you'll see that you've conquered the world (or at least, your little piece of it) by mastering yourself.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
Whether you are new to the world of self-employment or have been in business for a while, a good network is always something to strive for.

The Mom Pack is one of the best resources I've come across online.

As of this writing, there are officially 9,252 members on their interactive Yahoo group. One of which is speaking to you right now.

In addition to the main list, The Mom Pack maintains spin-off lists such as Chat, Goal Meeting/Motivational List, Homeschoolers and a few others.

Whether you are looking for honest feedback on your site layout, a barter, info on shopping carts or an understanding ear for your work/life balancing dilemma, I highly recommend The Mom Pack.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
Most of us recognize the ASPCA as one of the biggest names in pet rescue and advocacy. What may not be so well known is their effort to help everyday people like us.

Their Free Pet Safety Pack is just one of numerous resources they offer to help keep our fubies (fur babies) happy, healthy and safe.

Get yours here and then have a look around their site.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
At about lunch time today, I signed up with Inbox Dollars. I saw a banner similar to the one you see to your right and clicked on it.

A few hours later, here is my earnings report:

Mind you, this is not doing a whole bunch. I was just doing my thing and checking my email as per my usual routine.

Now, I know that $8 doesn't seem like much but when you think about how much time and effort I actually invested (not much), it does perk a gal up.

Seeing as how most of that was the sign up bonus, we'll have to see how it goes but for now, I'm happy.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
FaveCrafts.com has several *free* craft e-books covering everything from beginning sewing (yay me!) to knitting, making your own jewelry, holiday crafts and even home decor.

Zip on over and grab the ebooks that interest you.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
When my cushy upper-level exec job vanished due to the economy, so did a lot of the little perks my son and I took for granted. Daily Dunkin' Donuts stops after school to discuss our day, weekend trips to the beach, bi-monthly trips to Toys R Us and our weekly pizza night among them.

Owing to our new, reduced income lifestyle, everything from our home to the food on our table was affected. Panic was starting to set in as I wondered how on God's green Earth I would give my son a quality, home education without my previous budget and resources.

Shelling out a few thousand dollars on curriculum alone wasn't a problem before. In fact, I was proud of my ability to do so. This didn't even begin to include the museum memberships, field trips, "extra" activities, et al.

One night, after CJ went to bed, I was up worrying and berating myself. What kind of mother was I if I couldn't provide for my little family?

That was my low point.

Round and round my thoughts went. What a terrible mother I am because I don't know what to do and don't know how I'll do it. Here I am, with all this business experience and I can't do a thing for my son! I could manage an online campus, translate documents and meetings, train others and provide instant data for ... wait!

It took me remembering me - who I am, what I have done, what I can do - to snap me out of my funk.

Why not use some of my corporate skills to find a solution to our financial dilemma? A quick search for "make money online" and every variation thereof ensued. The results were truly startling. There are so many results but not enough real ones out there!

In the coming days, I will be posting the resources I found, use and personally recommend. You'll find them filed under Penny's Money Challenge.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
In case you hadn't noticed, I've been MIA for a while. My blog is -gasp- almost empty. So not like me. As someone recently asked me, wth (what the hey) is up with that?

Honestly? I've bitten off more than I can chew. Too many projects added to the single parent thing is just killing me. Real estate, virtual assisting, pet resources/advocacy, kids resources and online arcade, PLUS volunteering to help promote Texas "Heart Galleries". All fantastic in and of themselves but altogether, overwhelming.

My tech projects have also taken up time. I reworked my server, am replacing the power supply in my favorite laptop, need to order a motherboard for one of my desktops, and have to send two hard drives to be rescued. Both were damaged in acts of sheer stupidity on my part. [#1 was a carpet and #2 a frustrated bonk!]

Oh yeah, I also took in another rescue. A sad-looking black Lab named Blackie. His "mom" was an older lady who finally gave in to living at an assisted living facility but wasn't allowed to take her beloved dog. Depression doesn't just affect people. This poor guy was actually starving himself to death.

My son and I started taking our mile-long walks in the morning and at night again. Such a stress reliever. The outdoors, wind and running from the javelinas. Whee! I'll be starting the daily workout again in the next few days. I hate feeling unfit. It's not just the way my clothes fit. Those still get looser every day. It's the way I breathe, move, and generally feel. Sluggish. Ick!

Anyway, hope you all had a great Thanksgiving. Belated Happy Chanukah to my Jewish friends, Merry Christmas to my Christian friends, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to everyone and, if I missed your holiday, drop me a line. I certainly don't mean to offend anyone.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,