Happy New Year!
May you and yours have a New Year filled with peace, happiness, success and good health!

Have fun, stay safe and God bless,
CJ, Penny and Mary



*sniff* *sneeze* *cough*

It's that time of year again. When the Hades-esque south Texas temps drop around 60 degrees, from the 100's/80's to days at 70 and overnight temps in the upper 30's/low 40's. Downright freezing for anyone who has had the privilege of acclimating!

Normally not such a big deal but throw in the stress from the tech apocalypse, normal multitasking single-parent stuff, legal junk with the family, and a few other things and presto! I have the flu.

As if I needed one more thing to come at me.

In spite of what probably sounds like whining, I'm still trying to take care of bidness. Business as usual will have to wait but bidness ab un-oosual marches on.

Honestly, I blame myself for getting sick. I stopped my DDP Yoga for Life Challenge in conjunction with the juice reboot, the Daily Prayer Walk, my weekly Family Empowerment calls, and even taking my vitamins!

Not because I didn't want to be healthy but because I was just too busy.

Those things may have felt like work, like a burden on an already taxed schedule and body, but I need them. I need my health. I need my sanity and I need my spirit renewed often because I don't just reach out to others with my mouth. I reach out with my soul! I mean, why be fake or superficial when I personally dislike that kind of interaction from others, you know?

The weekly Family Empowerment and Daily Prayer Walk calls are just as much for my benefit as they are for anyone that listens in. The encouragement and connection that happens during those sessions helps me to keep going. Helps me to feel like I am making a difference somehow, encouraging others to be the best person - the best them/you/me - that we can be.

It's not my place to say what someone does is right or wrong or that any particular religion or creed is "the one" (I don't even have a denomination/religion). My place is coming from the "we're all messing up somehow or other" camp and let's focus on the Silver Lining Moments in our situations. Learn, grow, help each other move on and up.

So in spite of everything that has happened in the past few months, from battling for my domains to losing my technology in a freak electrical/phone zap and now battling my body just to get out of bed, I am not giving up. In fact, I've actually gained clarity!

Clarity about what I will be doing in 2013 and what things are totally non-negotiable. Self-care, spiritual renewal, homeschooling, parenting (duh, right? LOL), and continuing to encourage and support everyone who crosses my path.

Literally becoming the pebble in the pond. Just like I pledged I would in my university entrance essay years ago. =)

Today, I challenge you to look at your own life and determine which activities are vital to your well-being. Are you taking care of you?
Today was CJ's first real day of keyboard playing and he memorized the Scooby Doo theme, practiced Fur Elise, and is working on Red's battle theme for Pokemon Soul Silver.

Oh yeah, we did some research on Beethoven too.

This may not sound like such a big deal but I couldn't make him touch his first keyboard to save my life. Researching composers/artists/statesmen for our traditional homeschool curriculum was like pulling teeth! 

Heck, that's why I helped him set up CJ's Kids Club: to promote self-confidence and natural learning fun. Literally. It even says that in the header!

Now, after years of struggling - somehow and in some way I am not quite sure my learning style understands - the unschooling method is doing what I desperately wished to do before: instill a love of learning. Not just loving to learn favorite subjects. Loving to learn everything.

Today's proud homeschooling parent thought was:
My child could someday be a famous homeschool pianist!

Except that he's aiming for rock and roll legend (acting is a fallback). I've successfully convinced him that knowing how to play instruments - like the piano, guitar, and drums - will help him to understand the music, timing, and the needs of his bandmates on a deeper level.

It would also help him control his career more if he's the one writing some/all of the music and increase his profit potential through songwriting deals on the side.

The best part about this whole thing is that even if CJ doesn't go into music professionally, he will have reaped all the benefits of this learning experience.

Business skills, music, character education, social studies, history, language arts, financial literacy and math, foreign language(s), science (sound, tone, acoustics), reading, research skills, and I get to use my Life Coach skills to help him plan his ideal life? Check, check, and check to the 100th power!

As exciting as this is, it does make me kind of sad that a lot of us don't grow up feeling empowered to be what our hearts and souls yearn to be and do. I honestly believe there is a way to be successful and fulfilled, making our dreams play out in real life (IRL).

In my case, it took a layoff and a difficult job market but others, like pre/post retirement workampers and second career launchers, are finding ways to make their dreams a reality every day. They aren't waiting for Medicare, Social Security, the end of the world as we know it or any other thing to line up perfectly.
They are aiming their ship at the island of their dreams and launching their yacht, knowing full well that the sea of life will probably cause some ups, downs, and course corrections.
If you aren't living your dream right now, what steps can you take toward making that your reality? Don't make yourself overwhelmed by thinking of it as one major overhaul. Focus on baby steps in the direction you would ideally love to go.

That is what keeps me sane and I'm a single, stay-at-home, work-at-home, homeschooling mom to a young, energetic boy with rural responsibilities, numerous pets, and a soon-to-be re-retiring mother! Did I mention that in addition to my recent computer/internet crisis, we cannot seem to agree on an RV, AND we're remodeling the house? LOL

Baby steps, my Friend, baby steps. Make a goal and take one step toward your dream every day. Live your dream!

Wishing you much peace, happiness, and success,
Well, I totally understand the good natured complaints about the Blogger and WordPress apps now. LOL
Not only can I not access my Blogger image library or add a link to my text but it wants to stick my location in here too!

Not that I don't love you like the best bloggy friend you are but um, let's just say not everyone is as sane as you are.

Although I know I put a lot of myself out there, an open blog door is not exactly the same as the door to my house or RV. Besides the whole cat hair and litterbox thing, what if I really am blogging in my undies and you'd just dropped by? LOL

It's more of a stay-at-home, homeschooling, work-at-home single mom thing than anything else for me. It always feels like I'm running behind and scheduling stuff like MeetUps and get-togethers really is a sanity saver.

Anyway, I'll be posting my reviews for these and other apps on my work blog. Just wanted to say hello before the tech addiction kicked in and I disappeared into the download/test cycle again.

Let me know if you have any Android or iOS apps you'd like to know more about or have a favorite you'd like to suggest.
As much as I enjoy a good rage face in the various blogs and websites, I can't say I ever really wanted to post one of my own. Until today and the whole Katy Didn't thing.

If you aren't familiar with rage faces, they aren't just faces of rage. They aren't even real faces. Well, except for Jackie Chan and a few specific ones.

Sure, there are a few "I'm enraged" faces but there are more varied and a real form of "a stick figure face is worth a thousand words" emotive genius.

Until I can draw better stick figures, I'll just download every rage face in a single zip file and use on an as-needed basis for those times when I can't find the right words. Or when I need to cut a novel down into a post.

You can thank me later.

Oh no Katy didn't ...
This morning CJ stumbled upon what he called a walking leaf and I called a grasshopper. He didn't think "grasshopper" was the right name/type for this insect so we let the interwebz play mediator.

Honestly, I don't have a problem with my son asking questions and demanding I give him specific, scientifically proven facts. It actually makes me very, very happy to get into these kinds of discussions with him.

Heck, I was curious about the little creature myself and so excited to have a good homeschool project and nature study idea for the CJ's Kids Club Nature Kid Members.

The fact that I don't have to push CJ to study is a super rich icing on my unschooling cake. I have zero qualms about dropping whatever I'm doing to help CJ research something he is excited about and that I can count toward school credit.

Anyway, it turned out that we were both wrong.

Katy was a "False" katydid and could bite if held improperly. He was also a boy. Let's just say the equipment on a female is sort of like the equipment on a human male: it sticks out.

Although both the Texas A&M Website and Encyclopedia Britannica say that the katydid sings a "katydid, katy-didn’t", we didn't hear it.

Our guy was too busy trying to escape from our Magnifying Bug Discovery Kit (Dollar Tree has tons of cool stuff) to honor us with music. Which meant that we - once again - fired up the Verizon aircard and the interwebz to see what the concert should sound like.

We saw a few great YouTube videos and heard some interesting recorded sounds but ... we still didn't hear "katydid, katy-didn’t".

Perhaps it's just us?

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
Yipes! It's been a while since I was so dependent upon an aircard and it shows. I pretty much maxed out my little Verizon friend and am actually already into the overage charges yet I haven't done a quarter of what I am used to doing.

Granted, I'd planned to transition back to what I like to call Mobile Office Central (my go-to travel setup) but it happened much sooner than anticipated and thus, I was caught with my tech panties down.

5 computer systems (2 desktops, 3 laptops), 3 printers, and my DSL line somehow fried. I hadn't realized how difficult it would be to juggle everything in the face of catastrophic, I-live-more-than-30-miles-from-town home office failure. I always *assumed* I'd have at least a couple of systems, printers, and the network available.

The most interesting part of this fiasco is my mindset: I'm not freaked. Something happened in the last few months and I'm not sure when. I started not being so obsessed with tech.

Computers, gadgets, software, WordPress plugins, Blogger functionality tricks ... I still get a kick out of all of it but the almost OCD'ness isn't there.

By golly, I think I've become normal!
Today is errand day and yikes, lots of errands capping off a week of more physical activity than I can remember doing in a while.

My aching shoulder blade and upper arm muscles make it hard to lift my arms. Jeez. I need to start working out or working outside more!

  • Shoveling quickly because I was multitasking and hitting rock, totally draining the power from my motion? Check.
  • Processing 1/4 of a 14 point buck by myself the next day even though I didn't know what I was doing and my meat knife was dull? Check.

That last one was a very surreal experience for someone with serious vegan leanings.

Mom is still very much an omnivore leaning toward carnivore but CJ and I, not so much. We - CJ and I - would be just fine leaving the meat out of our diet completely (diary has been gone for a while since it hates us) but we do not throw out meat because - in my opinion - it is very disrespectful to the animal.

As in, it was killed to make food and if someone doesn't eat it, it's as if he/she died in vain.

In this case, we were given a large section of deer that did not fit in either of our refrigerators. Meaning that it would have gone bad before we had a chance to gift it (had Mom allowed that, as it was originally gifted to her). If I had not processed it, it would have gone to waste - as if his life had been worth nothing.

That left me torn between not wanting to touch a dead body (it's a weird phobia I picked up from horror movies and my time working at a Jewish seminary) and knowing I would essentially be throwing a buck into the trash if I didn't hurry up and process him so he'd fit in the freezer.

After my internal debate and a verbal one with CJ, we said a prayer for him and I got to work processing Mr. Buck. Even though I didn't know what I was doing. Even though I was a bit queasy about all the blood and veins and ... oh my G-d, is that an alveolus?

Good L-rd! No wonder I'm not a vet!

With that, let's transition to something more pleasant: tools.

Although I love tech, I really drool over sweet pets, diesel trucks, and power tools. My current dream job is to be a contractor again. I've been thinking about looking for someone willing to take me under their wing (and is not related, for obvious reasons). ;)

Today's agenda includes a trip to the home supply store for a new drill and some new saw blades. Let's just hope that powerful seducer Mr. DeWalt doesn't sidetrack me from the ever affordable and still very dependable Mr. Black and Decker.

It seems that Mr. DeWalt is always trying to tempt me to walk away with an entire set of new power tools and extra battery packs. He's not shy about it either. Oh no. He poses just so, allowing me to rake my eyes over his entire body. Drooling. Yes, Mr. DeWalt, you are a hunky one but I have pledged to a relationship with Mr. Black and Decker.

Also have a whole bunch of errands, website updates, and stuff to pay today. At the rate my inflow is turning into an outflow, I'm starting to think I should have taken a Christmas job!

Oh well, time to get stuff together before the biggest blessing of my life (CJ) beats me to getting ready. He is certainly a chip off the ol' family tree: no patience. LOL

Just wanted to wish you a happy weekend in case I don't get back before No Tech Saturday!

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
Yep, another adventure while I'm still stuck at the homestead (not as bad as I first thought) and not hitting the travel itinerary as planned.

Picture this ...

It was around 3:30 in the Rural South Texas morning. I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep so I got up to make some hot tea. Mom was just going to sleep and said she'd been praying all night (insomnia). I joked about it being my turn now. Realized it didn't sound like such a bad thing to do since I was up anyway. Started praying.

Around 4ish, I realized I was half awake because I giggled when the rooster crowed. It sounded like a raccoon was screaming back at him! I giggled quietly a bit more, imagining what that looked like.
Cockle doodle doo! Rrrr rrr rrr rr rr! Raccoon sitting on haunches, shaking his fists at Carlos (the rooster). Or maybe trying to shush him before the humans got up and discovered him/her?
Carlos crowed again and the same screaming raccoon sound could be heard. Maybe he/she was yelling at him to hush up because it hurt his/her ears? Which would mean that the 'coon was straight up in Carlos and the girls' faces!

The back story ran through my sleep hazed mind:
Mr. or Mrs. Coon has been trying to dig under the coop for over a week. Every day, I cover the holes and create new ways to block access. Every night, the smarty pants raccoon almost makes it. 
Thankfully, I took a lesson from my Grandpa and buried the wire at least a good foot down into the dirt all the way around. Also thankfully, I've got a lot of scrap 2x4 I can bury so the sneaky rascal has gotten a handful of board instead of chicken for several days in a row!
That woke me up, freaked out, because I got to the part where I remembered my uncle's story about raccoons ripping off chicken's heads!

Side Note: That creepy story is true, unlike the one they used to tell me about the cougar who'd jump in through the screen window at night to eat kids who moved and didn't go to sleep. Ah, rural family love.

Anyway, since it was so dark in the chicken's section of the yard (I need to transition the coop to winter mode), I used the lock/unlock flashers on my vehicle's key fob while I ran to get the shotgun. I had no intention of shooting anything but the sound helps repel critters.

Finally made it out, flashed the lock/unlock again, blinding myself in the process (it was dark and I was right in front of one of the lights), realized I wasn't dressed for this and panicked but the chickens are family, scared the dog when I flailed in semi-blindness (maybe he thought I'd shoot him?), and finally managed to walk unsteadily down the dark side of the vehicle to hop in. Put the girl in gear, maneuvered into position and shone the headlights on the chickens. Didn't see anything.

Parked in my spot again, fired off a just-in-case shot, and came back in giggling about a raccoon talking back to the rooster. Still thinking of silly reasons why the 'coon would have been talking back to Carlos.

Haven't inspected for prints and activity yet (now that I'm awake mentally) but I'm planning to do that once CJ's done with today's homeschool stuff. We'll definitely be adding a raccoon nature study to our work now!

Later on, I'll catch up on all my RSS friends like my favorite Cowgirl and live vicariously through some fab travelers like the Ducks. =)

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

P.S. Definitely wasn't dressed appropriately for this little adventure. Did all this barefoot and in cut off sweat pants chopped into shorts. I did freak out for a moment thinking a rabid 'coon would grab my feet and attack from under the house/under the vehicle/under the other vehicle/etc. causing me to potentially implant several painful grass burrs in an attempt to run away but luckily, it all worked out in the end.

P.P.S. Can you believe my Mom and CJ slept through the whole thing? Vehicles, shotguns, accidentally slammed doors, and everything!
"Oh what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practise to deceive!"
Sir Walter Scott, Marmion, Canto vi. Stanza 17.
Scottish author & novelist (1771 - 1832)
Holidays are great times to sit back and watch the fireworks as the lies start being exposed, one by one.

Then, you get to watch the intricate spider's dance as the culprit(s) try to fix their webs and spin attention in another direction.

A successful spider will live to lie again even if everyone knows whodunnit. Frustrating those who were lied about.

Oh, how I wish I had a giant shoe. Or that G-d would lend me His for just a few minutes ...

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
On episode #18 of the Penny Full O'Thoughts Podcast we discuss Sandy, steps we can take to be more self-sufficient, things we can do to make returning to our day-to-day lives easier, an easy way to stop unintentionally taking advantage of your housemates, and how we can spot a scamming guru who may attempt to prey on our economic concerns and personal fears.

Download this Episode: MP3 / Transcript

If you experience any problems with playback, have a question, would like to share a resource, or have something specific you want to hear me talk about, let me know!

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
P.S. Don't worry, Trigger was okay. He was just crying because his Dad, my Uncle Ted, went somewhere.
Last night I discovered a guru expose site and saw several of my business 'mentors' listed. With damaging evidence.

Just goes to show, you are better off being yourself - an original, non sheeple person - and not buying into the hype that you have to be like someone else to succeed.

Templates and examples are good but if someone starts tearing you down or making disparaging comments to get you to conform to their idea of 'success', you have to wonder if that version of success is worth your individuality, morals, and happiness.

Make sure you spend time researching your guru or mentor of choice. Just because they are internet famous and show up everywhere you look doesn't mean they are legit. Anyone can buy an ad. I am SO GLAD I found that site before I got in so deep that I'd be tainted for life.

Salty saved my fledgling business and a huge chunk of my single Momma budget!

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
This was originally posted on my super secret Facebook account but since I don't think my non-household family reads this blog (I hope?), it's safe to share that holiday gift planning is making me hungry!

Every year we struggled with gift ideas and default to the wallet/socks/thermals/manicure set stuff for the guys. For girls, it's Snuggies/thermals/socks. Then some of us went to cash while others went to gift cards but suddenly we're like, wow.

We're all cheapos!

The cash and gift cards put a very noticeable price on the relationship. It's like we're saying how much they are actually worth to us and it can cause problems unless we're willing to double, triple, and generally explode our gift budget.

More so because my cousins married some ladies who were accustomed to the high life from birth. Although they themselves haven't earned anything, their fathers and step-fathers have done well. One actually said it was okay that I didn't get her a (good enough in her eyes) gift because she knew I was 'poor'.

It's safe to say that relationship is strained. LOL

So this year, I thought: let them eat cake! Pancakes, that is. Let's face it. The best gift is a gift that is used, enjoyed, and remembered fondly. Probably the only thing those gals and I have in common is that we eat!

Breakfast and camping are traditions in my family so why not order gift baskets of breakfast and trail-safe goodies? The girls can do the gourmet breakfast thing and the boys (and I) will have our wilderness grub. It's a win-win as long as I can get the delivery timed right.

Except looking at all that food porn has made me hungry now and I'm trying to reboot. So thanks for that, marketing people.

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
Although I'm not a scientist and I do not claim to be, I noticed that my son started asking questions and showing interest in things that I did not expect him to focus on yet. Which lead me to believe that my 10 year old might be hitting the puberty stage sooner than anticipated.

Which in turn lead me to wonder how the heck that happened if we're homeschoolers and although we do the 'socialization' stuff, CJ isn't spending a lot of private one-on-one time with the opposite sex, if you know what I mean.

Then I read this in the New York Times:
"A large study released by the American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that boys are entering puberty earlier now than several decades ago — or at least earlier than the time frame doctors have historically used as a benchmark."
You can find the rest of the article here: Boys Now Enter Puberty Younger, Study Suggests, but It’s Unclear Why

Unclear why.

That's a tad bit funny to me, considering how inundated our society is with sexual imagery. I mean, hey, Shrek and Fiona rolled around in the grass in the opening scenes to one of their movies, Disney and Nickelodeon show dating drama, and even Timmy Turner has a girl crush.

Makes me think the 'safer' media isn't exactly that 'safe' after all.

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

"We are all inventors, each sailing out on a voyage of discovery, guided each by a private chart, of which there is no duplicate. The world is all gates, all opportunities." ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
Everywhere I turn, it seems someone is telling me I'm doing something wrong. That I need to conform. Homeschooling, extended travel, working from home, laughing "too much" - all things I should supposedly give up.

"Why can't you just be normal like everyone else?"

Because your path is not my path and my path is not your path. Because what is right for you may not be right for me. Because we were all given free will to choose and design our own 'destiny'.

Destiny and Luck are Roman deities of old. I do not bow down to either. Instead, I choose to live and let live. To create a life that is right for me and my little family. A life that will provide us with happiness, peace, great health, and success.

Choose your path and know that it's okay to be different. It's not always easy but trust me, you will respect yourself more and be happier for being true to who you are.

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

On October 11, 2012 at 3:40 AM US Central, my nightmare was officially over. All 10 of my domains were freed from an AWOL host and available for normal use once again.

However, I know I am one of the lucky ones. Not everyone is able to get their domains back as relatively easily as I was able to.

If it ever does (G-d forbid) happen to you, there are a few things you can do right away to start taking control of the situation and potentially securing a favorable outcome.

STEP #1 - Gather The Facts
If you don't know who the registrar of record is and/or who they may be a channel provider for, find out immediately!
  1. Go to: http://who.godaddy.com/whoisverify.aspx?domain=YOURDOMAINHERE
  2. Enter the anti-spammer code.
  3. BOOM! You've got what you need to start attacking the issue.
STEP #2 - Get The Ball Rolling
Get your documents in order and contact them with:
  1. Detailed Account Information
  2. Specific Dates
  3. Your Desired Outcome
You want to be as specific and as clear as possible. Emotions may be running high but you need to take a deep breathe and focus. It will save time and prevent a lot of the confusion I think I may have unintentionally caused my international registrar.

Even if you think you are doing business with a same-country business person, their supplier might be from another country entirely and what we may think of as straight conversation may be completely different from what they understand we're saying.

STEP #3 - Document, Document, Document!
Do not rely on their system to send you a copy. Screencap your entire message, screencast yourself typing/sending it, and do not be afraid to make a video about the problem. I wound up making two to clarify what appeared to be textual confusion.

Keep every one of their replies. Make written notes of conversations. Record dates, times, names, promises, compromises offered, EVERYTHING.

If you are willing to make some of the information public, create a blog post about the situation and share a link to it on social media outlets. The squeaky wheel gets the oil and nothing squeaks as loud as social media right now.

STEP #4 - Know Your Options
Sometimes domain owners are lucky and are able to work things out with the master registrar. Other times, someone else beats them to their own domain and they lose all the work they put into it or wind up having to pay a domain buy service a LOT of money to buy back their own domain.

How far are you willing to take this?

STEP #5 - Be Persistent
Keep opening tickets until your situation is resolved, no matter how uncharacteristic it may be of you or how squeamish it makes you feel. This is your domain, your home on the web, your personal life, or your business.

STEP #6 - Seek Relief
Use your documentation to file detailed reports with the Better Business Bureau and the International Consumer Protection and Enforcement Network. Speak to a knowledgeable legal representative.

Disclaimer: These are just basic steps that I took to help me recover my domains. They may or may not work for you. However, you will never get your domains back if you don't step up and try something so why not start here?

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

P.S. Please don't hesitate to add your tips below!
“Knowing others is perspective, but knowing one’s own self is enlightened; conquering others shows strength, but conquering one’s self shows true power.” ~ Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching
True power doesn't come from conquering someone else, it comes from learning to conquer ourselves. Self-control. Self-discipline. Not railroading someone just because we can. Honoring someone's personal boundaries even when they themselves do not.

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

Never have I been more grateful for my past as a contractor than today. Although I was looking at RV's, a lot of the the stuff I used to do for my uncles clearly saved me a LOT of money, frustration, and from being suckered.

Not sure whether the salesman was lying - he seemed sincere enough - but come on.

Just because someone walks him over the roof, demonstrating there are no defects doesn't mean there aren't any on the inside. Defects that were covered by a new roof coating. I saw small but significant water damage lines on the roof and by the windows. Some wallpaper bubbling by said windows. Flakes of what looked like wood paneling on the bed and in the shower.

Beyond that, I felt a soft spot by the corner of the bed.

He offered to drive the RV over to their RV service bays and have one of their guys 'go over it' but I had a hard time believing his buddy would tell me anything different.

Although my family doesn't get along that well, my uncles trusted me to do their paperwork and to conduct initial walk-throughs to determine what needed to be done and in what order. We primarily worked on mobile homes, park models, and provided make-ready services for realtors, which is - IMHO - similar to RV's in many respects.

CJ (my son) and I did look at a few other models on a different lot, with a different salesman, but we walked away really disappointed. I know the salesmen and women are there to sell but we're still debating whether the salesmen honestly thought everything checked out or if they thought a single mom would be a sucker sale.

Guess we'll just keep looking until we find the right fit for us: the right RV, the right dealer, and the right deal. Which is a nightmare for an anti-shopper like me. LOL

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,

Our former webhost is holding my domains hostage. Neither CJsKidsClub.com or HarmoniousAbundance.com should be labeled as expired. They were both paid for and I have receipts.

My old host, WAHMhosting.com/WAHM Productions (owned by Renee Huggins), has not responded to me since April 8, 2012. There is no reply via email, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.

Her phone number has since been removed from her website so I am currently searching my files, looking for a cell phone number she shared a few months back.

Frustration, barely restrained.
Although she has disappeared and there is no public record of her posting anything in the last few months, WAHMhosting/WAHM Productions has had both 2 new layouts and gone through what appear to be 2 platform changes. Obviously, someone is working there.

If you have been thinking about traveling or taking a road trip with your family but aren't sure where to start, this call is for you!

Top 25 (and Counting) Travel Musts

You can work on the road without worrying about or struggling with painfully slow public wifi access.

Neck pillows can help eliminate booty pain. Fleece blankets are lightweight but mighty. Carry at least one of each - for every person in your vehicle - in a large, reusable shopping bag.

Although I forgot to mention it on the call, we added rain ponchos, umbrellas, and our smaller first aid kit to this bag.

Yes, there are more! Click the play button above to hear them.

Top 7 (and Counting) Tips for Traveling with Pets

Check with your vet before leaving. Take your pet's medical records with you. Place a little bit of clumping kitty litter in the carriers or cages and part of a yoga mat underneath. Cleaning up will be a breeze and your pet will not have to travel in their own mess.

For the rest of these tips, click the play button above.

Did I miss your tip? Leave it in a comment below! =)

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
It's hard to say goodbye, to end something that started with such passion, such joy, such promise.

Alas, my patience and my devotion are almost completely broken.

After publishing the last post detailing the issues in our relationship, I made the requisite updates for my cousin's WordPress multisite installation and - of course - had to go and tweak the results. Then I had to do that on my multisite install.

How much work did I actually get done in the time I have dedicated to work? Updating two multisite networks, transferring my personal blog (Penny Full O'Thoughts) back to Blogger, and removing the template background so you can actually see the ShareThis widget floating to your left.

That's it.

It feels like I slacked off. I don't like feeling that way. Granted, I am a homeschooler and my son is my priority but when it's time to work, it's time to work.

My Daily Prayer Walk audio didn't get edited or posted. My posts didn't get edited. I didn't decide which site to upload our Travel Diary entries to (one of our existing or create a dedicated travel blog). The nature study packets for CJ's Kids Club Nature Kid membership vault didn't get edited either. *sigh*

Neener, neener, neener! My day was better than yours!

Tomorrow will be better, I just know it. I can't let Mr. Raccoon have the last laugh, can I?

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
Yeah, I know that phrase got to be annoying as heck but it just seems to appropriate for this entry. You can't be mad at me though. I found a cute kitten pic just for you!

Although it seems like I've been gone for a long time, I really haven't. I was just wrapped up in my self-hosted WordPress version.

Until I accidentally crashed it.

Now, I'm debating whether I really want all the bother of self-hosted WordPress. True, the multisite installation totally rocks but I am not the same person I was a few months ago.

The WordPress and tech obsessed gal is still in there somewhere but now I'm all about streamlining and cutifying my life. I don't have a real need for all of the bells and whistles WordPress has and even if I did, there is probably a Blogger workaround for it.

Blogger is really more set-it-and-forget-it - something that really appeals to me now. I pay for it once a year, don't have to pay for plugins or upgrades, and don't have to worry about applying updates and how they will impact my code.

My WordPress installation broke because two of my main plugins didn't play well together. The last time that happened, I was S.O.L. because my host disappeared. Several months later, I still don't know what happened to her or the refund I asked for (prepaid fees).

This time, I have my own reseller account. I can go in and fix whatever is wrong myself but I just don't want to anymore. I'm not "just" another WordPress user. I am a mother, a homeschooler, a person with a life to live.

Yes, I know I could hire this out to someone but what's the point? I don't use most of the features anyway. I could save a lot of time, trouble, and money just by coming back to Blogger.
Which is why I'm here again.

Over the next few days, I plan to import my other posts on homescholing, traveling, camping, single parenting - life, in general - but for now, WHASSUP? How's it going? What have you been up to?

Have fun, stay safe, and G-d bless,
Don't Give Up!
There are times when we all feel like the world is jogging past us. Maybe we're feeling sick and all the things we are juggling seem like eggs we're getting ready to scramble.

This is the time when we have to be kinder to - and more accepting of - ourselves.


Don't give up!

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
~ Albert Einstein
State of the Individual Address
Can you believe that the month of January is gone and we're now in the first week of February? Time is blowing by so quickly!

It has been a month since many of us started working on our New Year's Resolutions and now is an opportune time to check in with ourselves, to honestly evaluate how we are doing on those goals and to fine-tune our efforts to ensure our success.

This week is a great time to craft your State of the Individual address. Similar to the State of the Union address that the President of the United States gives every year, it should tell you what you've been working on, where you are now and what your action plan for the future is.

Don't forget to prioritize your goal list and include a roster of all those fabulous individuals and organizations that you will need to work with in order to get everything done.

My Folder Secrets
If you missed my last post on filing called "How To Love Filing, you are in luck!

This follow-up entry will help break my system down to help you save even more time, money and effort.


Everyone has a 'secret' system and that sometimes makes a shared file system a danger zone. In these cases, coming up with a collaborative system will help save the peace and your sanity.

Organize Those Stacks!
If you're office is in need of a Hot Spot Rescue, you are luck!

Today I'm sharing an easy, painless and - dare I say - fun way to annihilate the stacks of stuff that you've dreaded to tackle.


Don't forget to reward yourself after each session. It doesn't have to be a snack or material reward. Something as soothing as a 15 minute Me Time, lemonade on the porch break is an ideal option.

All Aboard the Payment Express!
If you are feeling overwhelmed by tasks and not sure how to manage your Accounts Payable, today's tip is definitely for you!


You don't have to pay another late fee because you lost track of the due date. These are simple and highly effective steps you can take to tame that budgeting monster and get aboard the Payment Express.

This Child Safety Kit will be re-posted every year, for as long as it is available.
Polly Klaas® Foundation :: Child Safety Kit
Since we can't always be with your kids, it's important to teach them how to find help and keep themselves safe.

Most importantly, we need to do this in a way that doesn't scare us or our children. Instead, we want to build their self-confidence. Our kids will feel safer when they can confidently recognize dangerous situations and respond immediately.

The free Child Safety Kit can help us keep your children safe, even when we are not with them. With special no-scare methods for each age group, the Child Safety Kit includes:

  • Asking for help when no trusted adult is nearby.
  • Unacceptable adult behaviors that can threaten children.
  • Recognizing dangerous situations.
  • Ways to respond to dangerous situations and keep safe.

Additionally, parents are introduced to the "What If" game, an engaging way to teach safety to their kids, which can be fun and build self-esteem.

This free Child Safety Kit tells parents what they need to know, and how to say it to our children.

[Reprinted (with minor edits) from the Polly Klass Foundation.]
Magazines and Catalogs and Clutter, Oh My!
What do we do about the avalanche of magazines and catalogs we receive every day? Surely, there must be a system for this, a way to capture and harness the power of our mailboxes once and for all!


The best part of this system is that it is expandable. You can apply it to pretty much anything!

Penny with her son, CJ.
Becoming a parent has a strange tendency to turn us two-faced people.

On the one hand, we love our babies with all of our heart and soul and would NEVER give them away or trade them for ANYTHING in this world.

On the other hand, we get grouchy and bemoan our lack of privacy and “me” time. More so if we work at home, it’s like “oh, honey, I just need a little time to concentrate”. Or, “CJ, did you get your (chores / homework / work assignment) done?!”

CJ, the son of my dreams, is off on a sleep-over with a family member and I’m here almost crying.

It’s too quiet.

My heart is screaming for his presence but my mind is saying he needs the space to spread his wings. He needs to start flapping and unconsciously preparing for the time when he leaves the nest.

There’s no way I would want to stand in the way of my son’s growth. Yet, it’s … sad. Empty. Lonely. I feel bereft and I wonder if this is what an empty nest feels like on a daily basis. *shudder*

Logically, I know that I trust that side of the family that CJ’s with. I know they aren’t that far away. I know they are technologically advanced enough to think it’s no big deal for him to Skype me.

It’s at times like these that we need to remember the bigger plan. The plan to launch our children into the world as prepared as possible. To love them enough to let them go. To encourage them to be the best they can be and to overcome whatever adversity comes their way.

To hope that some day they will realize what you’ve done (or tried to do) and willingly call and drop by as often as their and our schedules allow.

"Think like a man of action, and act like a man of thought." ~ Henri L. Bergson