Don't Give Up!
There are times when we all feel like the world is jogging past us. Maybe we're feeling sick and all the things we are juggling seem like eggs we're getting ready to scramble.

This is the time when we have to be kinder to - and more accepting of - ourselves.


Don't give up!

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new."
~ Albert Einstein
State of the Individual Address
Can you believe that the month of January is gone and we're now in the first week of February? Time is blowing by so quickly!

It has been a month since many of us started working on our New Year's Resolutions and now is an opportune time to check in with ourselves, to honestly evaluate how we are doing on those goals and to fine-tune our efforts to ensure our success.

This week is a great time to craft your State of the Individual address. Similar to the State of the Union address that the President of the United States gives every year, it should tell you what you've been working on, where you are now and what your action plan for the future is.

Don't forget to prioritize your goal list and include a roster of all those fabulous individuals and organizations that you will need to work with in order to get everything done.
