Happy New Year!

May you and yours have a New Year filled with peace, happiness, success and good health!

Managing Our Digital Filing Systems
Okay, we have our paper filing system in place, now what do we do with our digital files?

There is so much to keep track of, we can't physically touch it, and it all usually gets saved into My Documents. Forget about navigating to a file. We're talking desktop search feature for the win (FTW)!


It definitely pays to K.I.S.S.!

Budget Friendly Teleseminars and Webinars
Today I'm sharing three of my all-time favorite, totally free, teleseminar and webinar providers.

Yes, you really can have awesome audio features on your website, even on a budget!


Do you have a favorite service?

Imagine a dream partnership where the very best advice in keeping chaos and clutter under control is matched with the smoothest, most effective tools to help you stay on top of what needs to be done.
Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,

Google Voice and Google Chatback

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,

One of the biggest expenses any business has - aside from investments in personnel - is communication.

It can cost a lot to host toll-free numbers for customer care and outbound lines for following up on leads.

  1. Replace Your Forwarding Service.
    You can forward your calls to whatever phone. You can have it display your Google Voice number on your caller ID so you will know to answer professionally.

  2. Act As A Message System.
    Forward your office, home or mobile phone calls to your Google Voice number afterhours or set up a "call to hear a message" system.

  3. Make Free Outbound Calls.

  4. Use any phone to call your Google Voice number and place a call.

  5. Make Free Inbound Calls.
    Don't let toll charges get in the way of your best customer contacting you.

  6. Create Embeddable Promotional Audio.
    Call yourself and leave up to a 3 minute message. You can then download it or embed it wherever you'd like.

Yes, it's free. Yes, there may be a few branding tweaks we cannot

make. However, with Google Voice, the potential can potential outweigh the drawbacks.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters." ~ Colossiansa 3:23

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
There a ton of free blog-centric tools out there, but loading up your blog with all of the free tools you find can be a recipe for disaster.

It is so tempting to add things like visitor counters, cute backgrounds, sick fonts, and a plethora of totally adorable dancing pet gifs. Without realizing it, our pages become cluttered and our bandwidth usage threatens to bring down our host's servers!

To get the most out of any tool, we have to be selective. Even a free blogging tool can wind up costing you dearly in the long-term.

It is a great idea to learn about all of the kinds of free blogging tools that are available so that you can make an informed decision about what to add to your blog, but try to remember that just because you can have something doesn't mean that you need it. Practice restraint and only choose the options that you think will really be useful.

If you can find out how many visitors are reading your blog by checking your traffic statistics,a visitor counter is likely to add unnecessary clutter to your page.

If your blog is text-based, a flashy background can be more of a distraction than an benefit. Be realistic about assessing what kinds of blog accessories will help you realize your vision and improve your site.
The key to getting the most from free blog tools is selective. It's a good idea to learn about all kinds of free tools for blogs that are available for you to make an informed decision about what to add to your blog, but try to remember that the fact you can have something does not mean you needs. Retention practices and only choose the options you really be helpful.

If you do not know how many visitors are reading your blog by checking your traffic statistics, a visitor goes against nature to add what is useless on its website.

If your blog is text-based, the background may be more apparent disruption than good. Be realistic about assessing what kinds of blog accessories will help you realize your vision and improve the site.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,

Here's another blooper for your giggling enjoyment. I really did call myself the wrong name.

Yep. 33 years old and I'm assuming my 9 year old son's identity. LOL

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
This is my focus for 2011. What's yours? on Twitpic
It’s that time of year when people come together to give thanks. The AgChat Foundation would like to ask that people especially take time to offer up #foodthanks.

Launched for the holidays, foodthanks.com provides some simple steps people can undertake to express their gratitude for those people who help provide the food we all enjoy.

For more information and to learn more, please visit the #Agchat Foundation's "International #Foodthanks Day" page.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
Penny, CJ and MaryHow can we find peace and happiness with what we have? How can we develop total trust that our needs will be <span style="color: #800000;">met?

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IgOiSu4k9tM&w=460&h=345]

after a bit over a year of my no-diet-eat-anything-I-want portion watching, I realized that my family eats 3x a standard serving size!

Have fun, stay safe and God bless,
Penny, CJ and Mary



Most of us know

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,
How To Love Filing
Most of us will not hesitate to say we HATE filing. The usual reason I hear is that "it's boring" but I've noticed that there is actually a little more behind it.


If this is true for you too, don't worry. As G.I. Joe used to say in their PSA's, "Now you know, and knowing is half the battle."

In recent years, a lot has been said about The Law of Attraction and The Law of Reaping and Sowing.
[su_pullquote]Don't follow your dreams;
chase them.
~ Richard Dumb[/su_pullquote]
Your assignment for this week is to take a bold step in the direction of the life you want to lead.

Even a tiny step forward is progress!


Upcoming Events

  • Prayer Circle Meeting - 10:00 AM Central
    It's time to gather together and utilize the power of prayer on behalf of ourselves, our loved ones and the world. Please Note: If you aren't a Prayer Circle member, you will not be able to see the page.
  • New Client Orientation - 2:00 PM Central
    Check your registered email address for access information and your Welcome Packet.

  • WAHM Talk with Penny - 10:00 AM Central
    This week we are talking about mindset and how we sometimes stomp ourselves down before we ever get started! [expand Download a free Worksheet.]Coming soon ...[/expand]
  • Platinum Mastermind - 2:00 PM Central
    Check your registered email address for access information and your Weekly Assignment.

  • Bless Your Family, Empower Yourself! - 10:00 AM Central
    Most of us pray for ourselves, our families and even our pets. It's easy to request goodness for them because we care. Meanwhile, we might be overlooking a huge need in our communities. Just why is it so important to pray for others? [expand Download a free Worksheet.][/expand]
  • Inner Circle Teleclass - 2:00 PM Central
    Check your registered email address for access information and this week's Workbook.

  • CJ's Kids Club Unplugged - 10:00 AM Central
    As we wrap up our week, we’ll be sharing stress management and empowerment techniques for kids and adults in Penny’s Coaching Corner and:
    • Spotlight On Educational Fun

    • In The Kitchen With Chef CJ

    • Project of the Week

    • Penny's Coaching Corner

    • Family Travel and Adventure Journal

    • Cheesy Joke Time!

  • This week's Torah portion is Parashat Vayishlach
  • Havdalah (72 min): 6:43pm on Saturday, 10 Dec 2011 (Austin, TX 78745)

[su_heading size="20" align="left"]PRAYER REQUESTS[/su_heading]
Submit Your Prayer RequestSubmit A Prayer UpdateHelp Us Pray For Others

Esther P from LA ~ Career, Finances, Guidance, Healing, Relationships
[su_quote cite="Esther P. (Louisiana)"]The company I work for was bought out by a larger company and I lost my job because they say they never got my employment application. I KNOW I turned it in. A co-worker helped me fill it out and my supervisor even took me out to lunch afterward. I was close to retirement and now I don't know what I'm going to do. My husband is an artist and he isn't making much money right now. The stress has made my hair start falling out. I wish I understood what the L-rd wanted from me![/su_quote]


Getting Over "Overwhelmed"
We all know what it's like to try to balance it all, don't we?

Some days we feel like the über juggler, successfully keeping a dozen eggs in the air. Other days, we feel like the eggs that slipped through the juggler's hands: splattered and squashed all over the floor.


Trying to balance it all as a Work-at-Home Mom (WAHM) or Work-at-Home Dad (WAHD) is hard but is definitely rewarding!
