Everybody Do The Dinosaur

Remember that song from many a few years back? It said something like:

Open the door, get on the floor, everybody do the dinosaur ..

Yeah well, this post isn't about that song. It's about doors and the dinosaurs that appear when you open them.

Regardless of whether it's a cabinet door or a travel trailer (RV) door, I've got at least one furby (fur baby) who is going to try to rush in and claim it.

Our cats have this weird drive-through mentality. They run to get in a cabinet or room as soon as a door opens only to walk the perimeter and go out again. Door closing? OMG RUN FOR IT! I can either leave them in there - in the dark, by themselves - for a bit, open/close the door in short bursts to encourage their exit or leave the door open so kitteh can exit as desired.

The dogs energy level spikes when Zena starts getting excited. This hyper little King Charles mix starts bouncing and doing all those cute little Fabio-as-a-female-Spaniel poses. Then the two large, black Labs join in. Did I mention the two Labs are large? As in, they literally sound like horses when they run large. Their nimble air dances alternate with crashing booms. I worry about dance injuries all the time! Srsly.

Anyway, their door fixation is vehicular. Any car, truck or RV with people they know in it will find cold doggy noses pushing in. They can and have unintentionally knocked us down in their haste. Oh yeah, they've sat on us a couple of times too when we beat them to a seat. (That's when I realized we might need to lay off the kibble a bit! Wow, Scooby was heavy!)

Doesn't matter how many times I open a door. All 5 cats and 3 dogs seem to have a Pavlovian response! I'm not sure what they get out of it though. Well, other than a stepped on tail or something sometimes. Then they look at you with eyes full of indignation that say, "how could you have done that to meh?!"

Open the door, get on the floor, suddenly your pet's a dinosaur .. blocking the path, knocking you off the path or generally being so large in personality that there is no space for you. Sorry, sucka.

Wishing you much peace, happiness and success,

P.S. We've noticed improvement since we started applying some Dog Whisperer tips. I highly recommend that show. =)


  1. Alastair Montgomery9:22 AM

    Thanks I've now got that song going round in my head now :phttp://www.last.fm/music/Was+(Not+Was)/_/Walk+The+Dinosaur

  2. CJsMonnie9:39 AM

    Welcome to my little asylum! lol =)
