Who Do You Rely On?

Penny, CJ and Mary
A lot has been said about the quality of the food we eat. Research has proven that lower income families have poor diets because it’s cheaper to buy junk food than to buy fresh, healthy food.

In addition to financial issues, there's also the time problem. A lot of us don’t have the time to prepare the healthier and cheaper recipes that we wish we could.

Who do you rely on when you are crunched for time, the kids are hungry, you are hungry and tired and – worst of all – you don’t know how you’re going to make ends meet because your budget is so tight?

We can personally testify that:

  • You don’t need store-bought convenience foods or drive-through windows.
  • You don’t need acres of land to grow your own food.
  • You don’t need to buy hundreds of dollars worth of organic goodies to eat healthier.

All you need are a few simple routines and a willingness to take a different path. A path that leads to self-sufficiency and self-sustainability.

Have fun, stay safe and God bless,




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